Hey there!
Thanks for dropping in. You've somehow or another stumbled upon my attempt to document my upcoming summer trip with my two sons, Zachary and Ethan. Oh, and a friend of theirs, Chad, who will be 16 soon.
<--------- Zach at the Sushi bar sometime last year.
I will be 40 in May (ouch), while Zachary is 17 and Ethan will be 15 in June. It seems like the perfect time to do this. I have enough vacation time and a wife who says "go for it". Call me crazy but we are going to do just that.
<-------- Donna telling me don't post my picture (oops)
At the moment, we are in the planning stages. Trying to pin down where we are going to go and what we are going to do. Basically we are going to spend the entire month of July travelling across America. Well, not travelling the entire month. With the price of gas, that would be a bit prohibitive *smile*. I've got 4 weeks of vacation for the first time ever and I'm going to burn it all.
We plan on traveling a day and stopping for a day... or two. And then moving on to the next spot on the map that looks interesting.
Hoteling it the entire trip is out of the question. Trump I'm not. That leaves camping for the most part with a hotel room or two sprinkled into the mix.
I'm sure looking forward to almost 30 days of sleeping on the ground (it reads sincere doesn't it?). I can hear the body complaining already and it is only April...
At the moment, we know that we will be headed to New Orleans on the 3rd of July. Beyond that, who knows.
I'm open to suggestions.
On our list of target destinations, we do know we want to make it to San Franscisco. The rest is open for debate.
Some places I think would be interesting to the boys:
- The Grand Canyon
- Yosemitee State Park
- Carlsbad Caverns
- Route 66
- Mount Rushmore
- The Redwood Forest
- Pike's Peak
- Alcatraz
- The cruise-in at Reno
- The cliff dwellings (can't remember where they are located)
- Yellowstone
Since we are heavy into the Boy Scouts, we've had a chance to do things like caving, canoeing, white water rafting, backpacking, etc. And the boys want to do some of this on the trip given the chance.
We are also big into anything automotive. In future posts I'll put some info about the junk I've been able to convince the wife to let me drag home over the years.
Anyways, that's us, the purpose of the site and a request for suggestions on where we should go.
Thanks for stopping in. More to come!